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Bailey Baird
4th Grade Teacher
Monroe Elementary School
Julie Paige
Monroe Elementary School
740-857-1711 ext 8320
Jason Polston
Art / Technology Teacher
Monroe Elementary School
Erin Priday
Intervention Specialist
Monroe Elementary School
Diana Putney
Monroe Elementary School
Wendy Roberts
Healthcare Aide
Monroe Elementary School
Leslie Robinson
Speech Therapist
Monroe Elementary School
Stacy Sayer
Intervention Specialist
Monroe Elementary School
Chantal Shoaf
Title I Teacher
Monroe Elementary School
Brenda Sullivan
Kitchen Manager
Monroe Elementary School
Bryce Swartz
Title I Teacher
Monroe Elementary School
Bryson Tarbet
Music Tecaher
Monroe Elementary School
Jessica Trimble
Special Education Aide
Monroe Elementary School
Cindy Vaughn
Monroe Elementary School
Lexus Wolf
1st Grade Teacher
Monroe Elementary School
Leah Yutzy
1st Grade Teacher
Monroe Elementary School