CAT member looking at Projected Enrollment

A2++ and B Options Cost Breakdown Link
Meeting Photo Gallery Link

The Community Advisory Team (CAT) met for the fourth time on Thursday, December 5. The goal was to gather a consensus on a facilities master plan recommendation for the Jonathan Alder Local Schools Board of Education. The evening included the following agenda items:

  • Schedule and foundational information

  • Updated enrollment

  • Master plan options from CAT #3

  • Red Dot, Green Dot exercise

  • Master plan option polling

  • Proposed recommendation

The CAT presented its final two master facilities planning options to the Board of Education during its regular meeting on Monday, December 9. The Board approved a dollar amount that would cover the cost of either plan.

District administration will continue moving forward, conducting logistical (i.e. Traffic Flow) and feasibility studies for both final plan recommendations.

The slide deck presentation can be obtained by clicking the link here, while a video recording from the session is available for viewing below. Additionally, the final two planning options, plus their cost breakdown is available in the link at the top of the page.