Growing minds in the Junior High library and plants too! 8th grade Enrichment students dig in to design a vertical living plant wall in the Junior High library!
The living plant wall concept began as an idea of how nice it would be to have a few plants in the library. That idea grew – it sprouted – and with teacher collaboration between Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Heinig – it soon rooted into a mindset of providing our students with an opportunity for real hands-on learning.
From this idea, 8th grade enrichment students planned, designed, created prototypes and constructed a vertical living plant wall in the Junior High library. Students learned about the stages of the design process, types of plants, and not only the benefits of this project but more importantly its potential.
Mrs. Heinig, 8th grade Enrichment teacher and Mrs. Conley, Junior High librarian, used a project-based learning (PBL) method as a framework for this project. Students were able to learn and practice skills, such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, oral and written communication, and moreover, how to apply these skills to real-world situations. This project also aligns with our district goal to provide students with “future-ready” skills to prepare them for success in the workplace.
As an extension to this project, students took a field trip to Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens where they ventured through the Conservatory’s biomes and learned about native and non-native plants. Students also visited the Huntington Center in downtown Columbus which is home to the largest living plant wall in the USA. This award-winning plant wall was designed by architect Matt Toddy, brother of 7th grade social studies teacher Megan Brar. Mr. Toddy gave us a personal tour of the Huntington Plant Wall and answered lots of questions from our students! What an incredible day!
It has been inspiring to watch this project take root and grow! Enrichment students had the opportunity to make a presentation at the February 11th Board of Education meeting, showcasing this project!
The next step is a Junior High Garden Club! Mrs. Conley will be coordinating a JH Garden Club where students will learn about gardening and be caretakers of the plants in the library!