To the Jonathan Alder Community and Stakeholders,
As part of our District’s commitment to transparency and accountability, we are proud to present our funding story. Each school district in Ohio has a unique funding story. Some districts rely mostly on local sources of funding from their taxpayers, others on state funding formulas, and others through federal grants. No matter the source of funding, decisions made at the state and federal level have a major impact on our school districts’ ability to raise revenue to support our vital mission to provide a well-rounded education to our students. It is our goal to present this information to our stakeholders so they can understand where our funding comes from and the impact non-local decisions have on our revenues.
In 2025 our state legislators and leaders will be debating the next two-year (biennium) budget for the state of Ohio. One of the largest expenses in the state’s budget is funding for local school districts. Our hope is that this report can help our representatives understand the impact of the decisions they will soon make regarding the new biennium budget. Our community is also encouraged to use this information to voice their thoughts to our legislators.
School funding in Ohio is complicated, and this report is not intended to be an exhaustive overview of our funding. If you have any questions or wish to follow up on the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at inglesma@japioneers.org.
Thank you and go Pioneers!
Mark Ingles, MPA
CFO- Jonathan Alder Local School District