Transporation Coordinator
614-873-4635 ext. 8424

Mission Statement
The Jonathan Alder Transportation Staff strives to make the bus ride for all of our students as safe and pleasant as possible. We operate within the State Laws, Rules, Regulations and District policies to maintain such a high level of safety for our students.
New Stopfinder App Coming Soon!

The district is excited to announce its partnership with Stopfinder, an all-in-one, easy to use app for viewing and sharing a student's transportation schedule. We are beginning a soft roll out of the system now, so please check your emails for invitation to register with Stopfinder. Since this email is not coming directly from JA Schools please check your SPAM folders for the registration invitation email.
View the videos above for additional information on Stopfinder and how to use the app. Additional resource links are also available in the drop-down menu below.
Transportation Resources
New Drivers
Overall, we would like to stabilize our workforce. In order to do this, we need more drivers. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our team as a bus driver, please feel free to contact Misti Graber: at (614) 873-4635 x8424.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Misti Graber

Mark Fenik
Director of Operations