Steve Votaw
(614) 327-0045
Mr. Votaw has recently retired after serving in leadership roles for several nonprofits serving youth and families with behavioral health, substance abuse and poverty issues. He most recently served as CEO of the Furniture Bank whose mission is to provide gently used furniture for families impacted by homelessness, eviction, behavioral health issues and natural disasters.
He has worked extensively with substance abuse in teens and severely mentally challenged clients. He was formerly the Executive Director for Learn4Life and CEO of Directions for Youth and Families where he worked to improve the lives of predominantly inner city kids and their families through various intervention programs. He also has 5 years of experience in administering community mental health and substance abuse programs for the City of Cleveland and the Mills Center in Marysville.
Mr. Votaw received a BA from Kent State University and Master of Science degree from Youngstown State University. He currently serves on the Jonathan Alder School Board as well as the Boards of Social Ventures and Form 5 Prosthetics. In the past, he has served as Chair of the Human Service Chamber of Franklin County, a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Juvenile Justice, the Ohio Attorney General’s Victim of Gang Violence Task Force, and the Ohio Department of Mental Health Cultural Competency Assessment Team. In 2021, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Most Admired Executives from Business First.
He lives in Plain City with his wife and has four children, all graduates from Jonathan Alder Schools. He has lived in the district for 30 years and has served on the School Board for 18 years. His interests include golf, basketball, vacationing and playing with his grandkids.